Week 1: God is Always Speaking (Pastor Rip’s message this week)
He is an unchanging and faithful God. There's a rising sense of uncertainty in the world. Loss and disappointment feel endless. This 5-week sermon series points us back to the reality of a faithful and good God. He is always speaking, hearing, seeing, pursuing, and restoring.
May we always be inspired as the Lord reminds us of the power that words have and our ability through Jesus to speak life and encouragement into others.
I Am God
Often, we want to hear the voice of God; but often we don't realize that God speaks to us through SILENCE. If you want to hear the still small voice of God, you need to be still. When God speaks to us there is peace--SO TRUE. Create space for God in the silence of your heart and the contemplation of your mind.
Too Big For God?
Do you think your problems are too big for God? This powerful and intense illustration gives the reasons why our God is always big enough to handle our issues. “For with God nothing will be impossible.”-Luke 1:37